▪️Full name: Emmanuel Farhi (1978-2020)
MSc. in Mathematics and Economic (Ecole Normale Superieure)
Graduate of the Corps des Mines, Government and Business Program
Ph.D. in Economics (MIT)
Professor of Economics at Harvard University (2010-2020)
Research Affiliate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (2008-2020)
Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research (2006-2020)
Macroeconomics, Finance, International Economics, and Public Finance
📝Top 3 Papers:
Global Imbalances and Policy Wars at the Zero Lower Bound
Collective Moral Hazard, Maturity Mismatch and Systemic Bailouts
A Model of the Safe Asset Mechanism (SAM): Safety Traps and Economic Policy
40th Annual Fall Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
👩🎓Famous Students:
David Baqaee , Keyu Jin , Eben Lazarus
Germán Bernácer Prize (2009), Banque de France and the Toulouse School of Economics Award (2013), AFSE Edmond Malinvaud Prize (2011)
📚Top books: On the role of safe asset shortages in secular stagnation
Reforming the International Monetary System
Image credit:
1- © Charlie Mahoney
2-© Charlie Mahoney
3- © Charlie Mahoney
Author: Hasti Mighati