Full name: Joshua David Angrist Education: Ph.D., Economics, Princeton University M.A., Economics, Princeton University B.A., Economics with Highest Honors Position: Professor of Economics at MIT Research Associate at NBER Co-Director of MIT School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative Field: Econometrics, Labor Economics, economics of education and school reform Top 3 Papers: Identification…
Author: Alireza Mahmoudi
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2021
جایزه نوبل اقتصاد در سال ۲۰۲۱ به دیوید کارد، جاشوا انگریست و گیدو ایمبنز رسید The Sveriges Riksbank Prize Winner in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2021
Economist of the Week: Emmanuel Farhi
▪️Full name: Emmanuel Farhi (1978-2020) 📑CV 🏫Education: MSc. in Mathematics and Economic (Ecole Normale Superieure) Graduate of the Corps des Mines, Government and Business Program Ph.D. in Economics (MIT)
Causal Inference Course Series
We have all heard the phrase “correlation does not equal causation.” What, then, does equal causation?
Economist of the Week: Claudia Goldin
▪️Full name: Claudia Goldin (1946) 📑CV 🏫Education: B.A. in Economics (Cornell University) M.A. in Economics (Chicago University) Ph.D. in Economics (Chicago University)
فایل راهنمای نوشتن رزومه
Harvard Extension School: Resume and Cover Letter Guide (2020) Download Harvard Resume Guide (pdf)
راهنمای اپلای برای دوره دکتری اقتصاد
A Guide to Applying for Ph.D. Programs in Economics (based on personal experiences as international applicants). The guide focuses on Ph.D. programs in North America and those that follow a similar structure. Download Econ_PhD_Guide (pdf)
Human Capital, Productivity, and Economic Policy
ورکشاپ سرمایه انسانی، بهرهوری و سیاست اقتصادی ویدئوی جلسات از طریق یوتیوب در دسترس است. اگر از ایران وارد این صفحه شدهاید لطفا از ویپیان استفاده کنید May 24: Richard Blundell “Wage Progression, Human Capital and Labour Market Inequality” https://youtu.be/2k1ruWkCxns May 25: Costas Meghir “Early Childhood Development: Interventions and Mechanisms” https://youtu.be/ZDavbd83fYY May 26: Stefanie Stantcheva…
Good Economics for Hard Times
Instructors:Abhijit Banerjee (MIT) & Esther Duflo (MIT) Should we trade more or less with China? Why are some countries poor, and some countries rich? Why are the 1% getting richer? Should the US (or France) have a universal basic income? Why is our society becoming so polarized? What can we do to mitigate climate change?…
The Structural Transformation and Economic Growth research programme is offering a virtual course entitled “Key Concepts in Macro Development” for the spring of 2021. 5 February – 7 May Module 1: Introduction • Friday, February 5, Lecture 1: Empirical overview of macro development – Richard Rogerson (Princeton) – Presentation Slides – Q&A • Friday, February 12, Lecture 2: Development accounting: methods and findings – Julieta…